Module/rl obstacle avoidance
This module is a proof-of-concept for a new method for obstacle detection and avoidance on quadrotors. One that does not require the addition of any sensors, but relies solely on measurements from the accelerometer and rotor controllers. The detection of obstacles is based on the principle that the airflow around a quadrotor changes when the quadrotor is flying near a surface. A well-known example of this is the ground effect, an increase in lift force close to a ground surface. Similarly, a change in dynamics occurs when a quadrotor is flying close to a wall or ceiling. The proposed method uses a reinforcement learning controller to detect obstacles based on these measurements, and take action to lead the quadrotor back to safety.
Note: This is an initial proof-of-concept, limited to the detection of obstacles underneath a quadrotor.
The module has been demonstrated on the Parrot Bebop 1 and Parrot Bebop 2 quadrotors to be able to successfully detect and avoid obstacles underneath. It is expected that the method can be extended to the detection of obstacles above a quadrotor as well. Extension to surfaces on the same level as the quadrotor, e.g. walls, is expected to require some significant improvements to the algorithm.
The work that this module is based on can be found here:
How does the algorithm work?
The detection of obstacles is based on a simplified quadrotor model and the estimation of an external force. In the current proof-of-concept, only the external force in the body z-axis is used for the detection of obstacles, but similar estimators can be derived for the external force in the body x and y-axis. This estimated external force in the body z-axis is used for the detection of obstacles underneath.
- , the estimated external force in z-direction (mass independent)
- , the acceleration in the body z-axis, as provided by the onboard accelerometer
- , the body roll rate
- , the speed in body y-axis
- , the body pitch rate
- , the speed in body x-axis
- , the propellor gains, estimated at the start of every flight
- , the rotor speed in rad/s
- , the drag coefficient iin body z-axis, estiamted during a system identification experiment
- , the speed in body z-axis
Airframe file
Add the following line to the airframe file to include the module.
<module name="rl_obstacle_avoidance"/>
To improve the performance it is recommended that the drag force is accounted for in the estimation of the external forces. In the module the drag force is assumed to be of the form:
The drag coefficient for the quadrotor being used be specified in the airframe file:
<section name="RL_OBSTACLE_AVOID" prefix="RL_OBSTACLE_AVOID_">
<define name="k_D_z" value="0.27106224"/>
The drag coefficients in body x-, y-, and z-axis can then be estimated in a system identification experiment. Some known coefficients can be found in the table below.
k_D_x | k_D_y | k_D_z | |
Parrot Bebop 1 (with bumpers) | ? | ? | 0.271 |
Parrot Bebop 2 (without bumpers) | ? | ? | 0.373 |
Flight plan
For this module to work, the following additions to the flight plan need to be made.
Insert in the exceptions section of the flightplan
<exception cond="rl_obstacle_avoidance_hover()" deroute="Interrupt hover"/>
<exception cond="rl_obstacle_avoidance_save()" deroute="Interrupt save"/>
Insert before engines are started
<block name="Start Obstacle Avoidance initialization">
<call_once fun="NavSetWaypointHere(WP_EPISODE_START)"/>
<call_once fun="rl_obstacle_avoidance_turn_on()"/>
<call_once fun="rl_obstacle_avoidance_request_new_policy()" />
<attitude pitch="0" roll="0" throttle="0" until="set_estimated_accel_bias" vmode="throttle"/>
Insert after the takeoff procedure
<block name="Estimate prop gains">
<call_once fun="NavSetWaypointHere(WP_STDBY)"/>
<stay wp="STDBY" until="stage_time>1"/>
<call_once fun="rl_obstacle_avoidance_flight_status(25)"/>
<stay wp="STDBY" until="set_estimated_k_over_m"/>
Insert after the regular flight plan blocks
<block name="Interrupt hover">
<call_once fun="NavSetWaypointHere(WP_EPISODE_TARGET)"/>
<call_once fun="rl_obstacle_avoidance_flight_status(60)" />
<stay wp="EPISODE_TARGET" vmode="climb" climb="0.0" until="stage_time>0.5"/>
<call_once fun="rl_obstacle_avoidance_hover_concluded()" />
<deroute block="Run episode"/>
<block name="Interrupt save">
<call_once fun="rl_obstacle_avoidance_flight_status(70)" />
<attitude pitch="0" roll="0" throttle="0.8" until="stage_time>0.5" vmode="throttle"/>
<call_once fun="rl_obstacle_avoidance_save_concluded()" />
<deroute block="End episode"/>
Flight status
The obstacle avoidance is active when the flight status >= 50 and <60. The flight status can be set from any block in the flight plan using the following code. With XX being the desired flight status.
<call_once fun="rl_obstacle_avoidance_flight_status(XX)" />
The following messages must be included in your custom ./conf/messages.xml (if they are not present in your PaparazziLink version yet)
<message name="RL_OBSTACLE_AVOIDANCE" id="75">
<field name="timestep" type="int32" unit="#"/>
<field name="time" type="int32" unit="ms"/>
<field name="body_acceleration_u" type="float" unit="m/s2"/>
<field name="body_acceleration_v" type="float" unit="m/s2"/>
<field name="body_acceleration_w" type="float" unit="m/s2"/>
<field name="body_speed_u" type="float" unit="m/s"/>
<field name="body_speed_v" type="float" unit="m/s"/>
<field name="body_speed_w" type="float" unit="m/s"/>
<field name="GPS_vertical_speed" type="float" unit="m/s"/>
<field name="enu_position_x" type="float" unit="m"/>
<field name="enu_position_y" type="float" unit="m"/>
<field name="enu_position_z" type="float" unit="m"/>
<field name="body_rate_p" type="float" unit="rad/s" alt_unit="deg/s"/>
<field name="body_rate_q" type="float" unit="rad/s" alt_unit="deg/s"/>
<field name="body_rate_r" type="float" unit="rad/s" alt_unit="deg/s"/>
<field name="body_attitude_phi" type="float" unit="rad" alt_unit="deg"/>
<field name="body_attitude_theta" type="float" unit="rad" alt_unit="deg"/>
<field name="body_attitude_psi" type="float" unit="rad" alt_unit="deg"/>
<field name="motor_speed_nw" type="uint16" unit="rpm"/>
<field name="motor_speed_ne" type="uint16" unit="rpm"/>
<field name="motor_speed_se" type="uint16" unit="rpm"/>
<field name="motor_speed_sw" type="uint16" unit="rpm"/>
<field name="F_ext_onboard_est" type="float" />
<field name="F_ext_onboard_est_rolling" type="float" />
<message name="RL_TRAINING_DOWN" id="76">
<field name="request" type="char[]" />
<field name="parameters" type="char[]"/>
As the module uses reinforcement learning, the module requires training of the used reinforcement learning agent. It is recommended that multiple agents are trained and evaluated in order to find the best performing agent.
Suggestion: Train 5 agents for 50 episodes each. Evaluate each for 20 episodes and select the best one.
Python application
The python application required for training and evaluation is located in PAPARAZZI_HOME/sw/tools/rl_obstacle_avoidance/.
It can be run from the commandline using the following command:
- Store policy onboard the quadrotor, or in the settings file
- Allow for running the module without the python application (using a previously determined policy)
- Turn off logging when not in training
- Add the Python tool to the Paparazzi dashboard