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- Booz Main
- Booz GPS
- Booz IMU
- Booz Power board
- XBee XSC 900mhz RF
- Berg4L Rx
- ThunderPower 1350mAh LiPo
- 1080p HD camcorder
- Asctec motor controllers
- Asctec motors
- GAUI 330x Frames + Props
- 450 size camera mount for a trex helicopter
custom made mikrokopter style
Concordia University
You can find details on my userpage as hey are added: Aluminus
- Booz Main
- Venus Skytraq GPS
- Vectornav VN-100 IMU
- Booz Power board
- XBee XSC 900mhz RF
- YGE motor controllers
- Hacker motors
- Draganflyer X4 Frame