Matthew Plymale, Concordia Univeristy
I am working in a team of 5 at Concordia University on a system of networked quadrotor vehicles. The vehicles are based on the Booz platform, with Vectornav VN-100 IMUs and YGE electronic speed controllers. The project is expected to reach completion as of April 1, 2011.--aluminus 19:54, 19 January 2011 (CET)
First, download the firmware library:
Put the firmware library in peripherals/vn100.
Next, download the documentation:
Now implement vn100_user.c, according to your processor (LPC2148/STM32).
Then implement imu_vn100.c/.h to call the firmware library and populate the Imu data structure with gyro, mag and accel values.
If you want to use the simulator, create imu_vn100_arch.c/.h and put it in the arch/sim directory. The files must implement imu_feed_gyro_mag and imu_feed_accel so that the simulator can emulate your IMU.
Create imu_vn100.makefile and add in the source files.
In your aircraft configuration file set <subsystem name="imu" type="vn100"/>