Developer Hardware Repository

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Hardware configurations

The following table shows a list of known hardware configurations and the configuration file used to test the on the hardware during the build process.

Configuration Test hardware configuration file
Fixed wing Rotorcraft
Tiny 2.11 Tiny_2.11_fw.xml
Tiny 2.11 + chime
Lisa/L v1.1 + B2_v1.1
Lisa/L v1.1 + B2_v1.2 LisaL_v1.1_b2_v1.2_fw.xml LisaL_v1.1_b2_v1.2_rc.xml
Lisa/L v1.1 + aspirin
Lisa/L v1.1 + aspirin + overo LisaL_v1.1_aspirin_v1.5_overo_fw.xml LisaL_v1.1_aspirin_v1.5_overo_rc.xml
Lisa/L v1.1 + aspirin2
Lisa/M 1.0 + Aspirin 1.3
Lisa/M 1.0 + Aspirin 1.5 LisaM_1.0_aspirin_v1.5_fw.xml LisaM_1.0_aspirin_v1.5_rc.xml
Lisa/M 1.0 + Aspirin 2.0
Lisa/M 1.0 + Aspirin 2.1 + MS Baro
Lisa/M 1.0 + Aspirin 2.1 - MS Baro
Lisa/M 2.0 + Aspirin 1.5
Lisa/M 2.0 + Aspirin 2.0
Lisa/M 2.0 + Aspirin 2.1 - MS Baro + BMP Baro
Lisa/M 2.0 + Aspirin 2.1 + MS Baro - BMP Baro
Lisa/M 2.0 + Aspirin 2.1 + MS Baro + BMP Baro
Lia 1.0 + Aspirin 2.1 - MS Baro - BMP Baro

All configuration files are located in the directory conf/airframes/TestHardware/