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Some stabilization modules require an estimation of the current actuator states. Examples are the INDI and INCA modules. When actuator feedback is not available, this estimation can be mathematical model of the actuators. This guide describes how to accurately determine a first order approximation for a motor with a propeller.
Some stabilization modules require an estimation of the current actuator states. Examples are the INDI and INCA modules. When actuator feedback is not available, this estimation can be mathematical model of the actuators. This guide describes how to accurately determine a first order approximation for a motor with a propeller.

[[File:Actuator_dynamics_matlab.svg|An example of estimated actuator dynamics in Matlab]]
[[File:Actuator_dynamics_matlab.svg|An example of estimated actuator dynamics in Matlab|frame|right|300px]]

<source lang="Matlab">
<source lang="Matlab">

Revision as of 13:19, 23 September 2020

Work in progess

Some stabilization modules require an estimation of the current actuator states. Examples are the INDI and INCA modules. When actuator feedback is not available, this estimation can be mathematical model of the actuators. This guide describes how to accurately determine a first order approximation for a motor with a propeller.

An example of estimated actuator dynamics in Matlab
This script is written for estimation of first order actuator dynamics for
motors with rotors. It uses measurements of both a PWM input signal and the
actuator's RPM response, and tries to fit a first order model to these data
of de form:

tau * s + 1

This form can be used to estimate a actuator's state as a function of its
previous state and its current input as follows:

u_est = u_prev + alpha * (u - u_prev)
where alpha = 1 - e^(tau * dt)

© H.J. Karssies - Delft University of Technology

% Close figures and clear workspace
clear all
close all

% Settings
data_file = 'motor_data_04.mat';    % Data file
pwm.channel_no = 0;                 % Channel number of PWM input data
pwm.period_min = 0.0005;            % Minimum PWM period used for filtering
rpm.channel_no = 1;                 % Channel number of RPM measurement data
rpm.period_min = 0.00005;           % Minimum RPM period used for filtering
t_min = 5;                          % Starting time of relevant data (s)
t_max = 10.4;                       % End time of relevant data (s)
taus = 5:5:100;                     % List of values for tau to try (s)
main_freq = 512;                    % Paparazzi main frequency

% Load data
raw_data = load(data_file);
pwm = load_channel(pwm, raw_data);
rpm = load_channel(rpm, raw_data);
pwm.freq = length(pwm.time)/(pwm.time(end)-pwm.time(1));

% Calculate motor frequencies
pwm.motor_freq = pwm.period*1000000;
rpm.motor_freq = 1./rpm.period;

% Check performance for different values of tau
for n = 1:length(taus)
    errors(n) = calc_performance(taus(n), pwm, rpm, t_min, t_max, false);

% Interpolate results and find minimum
taus_int = taus(1):0.01:taus(end);
errors_int = spline(taus, errors, taus_int);
error_min = min(errors_int);
tau_min = taus_int(find(errors_int == error_min));
alpha = 1-exp(-tau_min/main_freq);

% Plot result
set(gcf, 'Position',  [100, 100, 1080, 540]);
plot(taus_int, errors_int);
hold on
scatter(tau_min, error_min, 'black');
grid on
title("\tau estimation");
xlabel("\tau (s)");
ylabel("Error (rpm²)");
text(tau_min, error_min+0.1*diff(ylim), ...
    [sprintf("\\tau = %.2f s", tau_min); ...
    sprintf("\\alpha = %.5f (%d Hz)", [alpha, main_freq])]);

% Perform calculations with final tau and plot figures
calc_performance(tau_min, pwm, rpm, t_min, t_max, true);

% Load channel data and process it
function channel = load_channel(channel, data)
    % Process channel
    channel_data = eval('data.digital_channel_' + string(channel.channel_no));
    channel.bit_1 = data.digital_channel_initial_bitstates(channel.channel_no+1);
    channel.period = channel_data(2-channel.bit_1:2:end)./data.digital_sample_rate_hz;
    channel.time = cumsum(channel_data./data.digital_sample_rate_hz);
    channel.time = channel.time(2-channel.bit_1:2:end);

    % Filter out invalid data
    channel.time = channel.time(channel.period>channel.period_min);
    channel.period = channel.period(channel.period>channel.period_min);


% Calculate performance with certain tau
function error = calc_performance(tau, pwm, rpm, t_min, t_max, plot_fig)
    % Simulate RPM response
    motor = tf(tau,[1 tau]);

    % Run simulation at rounded PWM sample times
    bias = mean(pwm.motor_freq(1:10));
    dt = 1/round(pwm.freq);
    t = [0:length(pwm.time)-1]*dt;
    motor = tf(tau,[1 tau]);
    sim_pwm_freq = lsim(motor, pwm.motor_freq-bias, t) + bias;

    % Get the RPM requency values at the rounden PWM sample times
    int_rpm_freq = interp1(rpm.time,rpm.motor_freq,t,[],1)';
    int_rpm_freq(isinf(int_rpm_freq)) = 1;

    % Fit a simple model y = ax + b
    data_range = and(t>=t_min, t<=t_max);
    inputs = [ones(size(sim_pwm_freq(data_range))) ...
    gain = inputs \ int_rpm_freq(data_range);
    sim_rpm_freq = inputs*gain;

    % Calculate squared error
    error = sum((int_rpm_freq(data_range)-sim_rpm_freq).^2);
    % Plot figure
    if plot_fig
        plot(pwm.time, pwm.motor_freq)
        hold on
        plot(rpm.time, rpm.motor_freq)
        plot(pwm.time(data_range), sim_rpm_freq)
        grid on
        xlim([0, max(pwm.time)]);
        ylim([0, 1.2*max(rpm.motor_freq)]);
        plot([t_min t_min], ylim, 'black');
        plot([t_max t_max], ylim, 'black');
        title(sprintf("PWM signal and response for \\tau = %.2f s", tau));
        xlabel("Time (s)");
        ylabel("Duty time (ms) / motor speed (rpm)");
        legend(["PWM signal", "RPM measurement", ...
            "Response approximation"])