Flight log book

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Hello, we are a team of students of the ENAC and we have developped a website to welcome, sort and share files produced by UAVs. We will present you this application in this users guide.

If you have any problem using our application contact us at the following addresses:



How to connect ?

When you are connecting with the website you are automatically redirected on the log in page. You have to enter your user's name and your password. If you don't have an account please contact the webmaster.


How to modify your account ?

You can modify your account selecting "gestion de compte" and clicking on "mise a jour". On this page you can modify your personnal informations, and password.

How to add a new file ?

Select "charger un fichier", and enter the path of your .log file and the path of your .data file. The website will automatically parse your files, when it's finished the website will display the list of UAVs. You have two choices "ignorer" to ignore the UAV and "traiter l'avion" to add the flights to the database, if you choose to add it, you will have to fill the informations for each flights parsed by the website (click on "ajouter" when it's done).

How to display flights list ?

If you want to display the flights list select the thumbnail "gestion" and then select "vols". Fligths will appear sorted by adding date. You can also display the UAVs list, by clicking on "carnet de vol", or the maintenances list with "maintenance".

How to update some datas on flights ?

On the page with the flights list you can click on "editer" in order to modify flight datas such as pilote, date, name.....

How to display a flight's trajectory ?

When you have the flights list, you can click on the thumbnail "afficher la trajectoire" to display the trajectory of the flight.

The display support is the google maps API using the usual tools.

How to diplay last modifications?

To diplay the last modifications on the website select "Historique" on the banner.

How to research a particular information ?

To display the research menu select the thumbmail "recherche", then to research a flight clik on "vol", a maintenance on "maintenance", a plane on "carnet de vol". When you are on the research page, enter your criteria and select the type of information linked with this criteria in the menu on the left of the text area.