Airborne Functional Diagram
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Previous designs
The documentation below this point reflects older version of paparazzi below v5.x
Airborne Functional Diagram
Design Goals
-Static approach -Modularity -Hardware abstraction -Runtime efficiency
Static Approach
-only "things that needs to be changed during flight are changeable -maximise compilation time resolutions
advantages Error checking Efficiency Safety/Robustness
-Separation of concerns -Maintenability -Interface -C provide no dedicated mechanism for modularity -Main issues with modularity are configuration and dependancies
Hardware abstraction
-Segregate hardware dependant modules
Runtime Efficiency
We have to take care that our code runs efficient on the autopilot board microprocessor. It is for example very unlikely that we will physically change the serial port on which we connected our telemetry modem during a flight.
bad coding practice
switch(UART) { case UART0 : UARTO_write(...); break; case UART1 : UART1_write(...); break; }
good coding practice
#define UartWrite(x) UART ## _write(x) UartWrite(...);
Design Solutions
* Heavy pre-processor usage * C code generation * Heavy Makefile usage * Conventions to define our own module layer
header selection
<makefile> ap.CFLAGS += -DACTUATORS=\"servos_4017_hw.h\" </makefile>
generated var/FJ1/
ap.CFLAGS += -DACTUATORS=\"servos_4017_hw.h\"
#include ACTUATORS
expanded by pre-processor to
#include "servos_4017_hw.h"
#define __XBeeLink(dev, _x) dev##_x #define _XBeeLink(dev, _x) __XBeeLink(dev, _x) #define XBeeLink(_x) _XBeeLink(XBEE_UART, _x) #define XBeeBuffer() XBeeLink(ChAvailable())
expanded by pre-processor to
C code generation
For problems too complex to solve with the pre processor, we use custom compilers to generate code from a description in xml
example 1 : command laws, aka mixers
<command_laws> <let var="aileron" value="@ROLL * AILEVON_AILERON_RATE"/> <let var="elevator" value="@PITCH * AILEVON_ELEVATOR_RATE"/> <set servo="AILEVON_LEFT" value="$elevator + $aileron"/> <set servo="AILEVON_RIGHT" value="$elevator - $aileron"/> </command_laws>
generated var/FJ1/airframe.h
#define SetActuatorsFromCommands(values) { \ uint16_t servo_value;\ float command_value;\ int16_t _var_aileron = values[COMMAND_ROLL] * AILEVON_AILERON_RATE;\ int16_t _var_elevator = values[COMMAND_PITCH] * AILEVON_ELEVATOR_RATE;\ [....] command_value = _var_elevator + _var_aileron;\ command_value *= command_value>0 ? SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT_TRAVEL_UP : SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT_TRAVEL_DOWN;\ servo_value = SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT_NEUTRAL + (int16_t)(command_value);\ actuators[SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT] = ChopServo(servo_value, SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT_MIN, SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT_MAX);\ Actuator(SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT) = SERVOS_TICS_OF_USEC(actuators[SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT]);\
example 2 : flight plan
conf/flight plans/example.xml
<block name="For loop (circles wp 1)"> <for from="0" to="3" var="i"> <circle radius="DEFAULT_CIRCLE_RADIUS+ $i*10" wp="1" until="NavCircleCount() > 1"/> </for> <deroute block="Standby"/> </block>
generated var/flight plan.h
Block(29) // For loop (circles wp 1) switch(nav_stage) { static int8_t _var_i; static int8_t _var_i_to; Stage(0) _var_i = 0 - 1; _var_i_to = 3; Label(for_11) Stage(1) if (++_var_i > _var_i_to) Goto(endfor_12) else NextStageAndBreak(); Stage(2) NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode(RadOfDeg(0.000000)); NavVerticalAltitudeMode(WaypointAlt(3), 0.); NavCircleWaypoint(3, (DEFAULT_CIRCLE_RADIUS+(_var_i*10))); if ((NavCircleCount()>1)) NextStageAndBreak(); break; Stage(3) Goto(for_11) Label(endfor_12) Stage(5) NextBlock(); break; }
Connecting and configuring modules
ap.CFLAGS += -DDOWNLINK -DDOWNLINK_TRANSPORT=XBeeTransport -DXBEE_UART=Uart1 ap.srcs += downlink.c xbee.c ap.CFLAGS += -DUSE_UART1 -DUART1_BAUD=B9600 ap.srcs += \$(SRC_ARCH)/uart_hw.c
Modules configuration
3 sources of configuration:
* airframe configuration file ( airframe.xml ) which "compiled" to C files and Makefile * specific per module configuration file ( eg radio.xml, flightplan.xml) compiled to C code to allow factorization between airframes. * specific per board configuration file ( eg tiny.h ) to describe modules configuration imposed by board routing