Graupner HOTT setup
These instructions show the most important steps needed to use a Graupner HOTT 2.4 GHz transmitter/receiver system with PPM sum stream.
Required steps for a brand new set:
- Update the firmware on transmitter and receiver
- Binding
- Set up the transmitter
- Set up the receiver to PPM sum stream
Update the Software
When the transmitter is switches ON the firmware version is diplayed short.
Check if the transmitter uses obsolete firmware version in comparison to the current firmware version available.
The page the firmware can be downloaded also provides special information for the version, some require special handling
Update the Transmitter
Update via Micro SD card
This is available with firmware version v1.7xx and above for mx-12 and mx-16.
If a brand new Micro SD card is used, the folder architecture is not present:
- put Micro SD card into transmitter
- switch ON transmitter
- after transmitter bootet completely the Folder architecture has been created, switch OFF
- remove Micro SD card
- connect Micro SD card with pc
- copy the firmware file in the Firmware folder and the language file in the VoiceFile folder
- put Micro SD card into transmitter and switch it ON
- switch OFF HF
- press up and down button on the left pannel simultaneously and SET on the right to get into the hidden mode
- firmware update, choose the appropiate file
- repeat this step with the voice file
If this fails, try the update with pc.
Update via PC
- connect the transmitter with pc, switch on, install the Sil Labs CP210x USB UART driver if needed
- open the Firmware Upgrade studio
- Menue -> Port Select choose the COM port (Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bride)
- Controller Menu -> Transmitter -> Firmware Upgrade
- File Browse -> choose downloaded firmware file
- Download Start -> accept the RF OFF warning message
- Controller Menue -> Transmitter -> Voice download
- File Browse -> choose downloaded vioce file
Update the Receiver
- download the firmware
- open the Firmware Upgrade Studio
- connect the receiver on the telemetry port via the GM-Genius adapter to the pc
- Controller Menue -> Device -> HOTT Receiver
- File Browse -> choose the downloaded firmware file
- Program
- press and hold SET
- connect the receiver to a power supply
- release SET
- factory Reset
Factory Reset
- press and hold SET
- connect receiver with power
- wait 5 sec
- release SET
- switch transmitter ON, turn OFF HF
- connect receiver with power
- go into the main menue via SET
- got to rs bind
- got to Module
- if there is already a receiver bound , press SET to delete the binding
- differs on receiver:
- GR-12 press and hold SET
- GR-16 press and hold SET until a red and green LED light together
- GR-24 press and hold SET until a red and green LED light together
- within 3 seconds, press SET on transmitter at rx bind
Set up Transmitter
this is not complete yet
Basic setup
- open the transmitter and set up the behaviour of the joysticks
- mod. mem. -> slect model -> generate a new model and bind the receiver
- base sett. -> set up stick mode and motor at C1 setting
- base sett. -> receiv out -> set up the connection between the cannel on the transmitter and the output channel in the receiver
Set up mode switch
This wil set up one 3 position switch as mode switch.
- go to free mixer
- push the 3 position switch in the target pisition for MANUAL mode
- set mixer M1 to switch ? and output 5 (S?-> 5), set up the switch which triggers this mixer (this is mixer for AUTO1)
- leave the switch in the position for AUTO1
- go to => , set up trv 0% -100% (-100% if open, 0% if closed)
- set mixer M2 to switch ? and output 5 (S?-> 5), set up the switch which triggers this mixer (this is mixer for AUTO2)
- go to => , set up trv 100% 0% (100% if closed)
Set up PPM sum stream
- connect receiver with power
- press ESC on transmitter for 2 sec, this will open the Telemtry menue
- go to Settings & Data View
- right to RX SERVO TEST
- down to CH OUT TYPE
- change this from ONCE (standard output) to SUMO (sum stream output)
- confirm with SET
- the number right of SUMO indicated how much channels are used, change them to the number of channels the transmitter provides
(e.g. GR-12 can output up to 12 channels in SUMO mode with appropriate transmitter)