Talk:TU Delft: AR Drone 2 - News
TU Delft Robotics minor: AR Drone 2 project - News
Here we will post breakthroughs, summaries of a page update and small facts that might be nice to know.
General progress update [12-12-2012]
It has been a while sinds we posted anything here. It is not that we haven't been busy, it's quite the opposite. We have managed read the navigation data structure provided by the navigation board of the AR Drone 2. This contains the gyro-meter, accelerometer, magnetometer and barometer data we needed. With this we managed to implement the IMU and feen the gyro-, accelero- and magnetometer data to it. This now readies the data for the AHRS. The barometer sensor is now implemented as well, sending the absolute pressure value on to the AHRS and INS.
Today we took another step forward. Pararazzi can now opperate the actuators, with the use of motor mixing, and set the thrust of each rotor according to the pitch, yaw, roll and thrust values provided to it.
Build a GPS driver for the AR Drone [30-11-2012]
Today we finally managed to build and compile a driver for the AR Drone 2. As you may know, we want to connect a GPS sensor to the Drone and since there is not an USB-serial driver available on the Drone we have to make it by ourself. Today we finished the job and succesfully received GPS data on the AR Drone. Now we know how to make a driver for the Drone it will be easier to write other drivers if necessary.
Compiling the AP breakthrough! [26-11-2012]
Today we (finally) managed to compile the AR Drone 2 auto pilot without errors! Not all subsystems have been implemented yet so we can't test it on the drone for a while but at least we managed fix the linkage errors we were getting constantly.