TU Delft - Lasergame with Autonomous AR Drone

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Revision as of 02:13, 16 November 2012 by Fvantienen (talk | contribs) (→‎Telnet)
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TU Delft Minor Robotics: Quadrotor Group 2


Our focus in the development of the autonomous AR.Drone is focused on the lasergaming industry. In this field our goal is to implement the AR.drone as a observing and later on in the project participating member of the game. We feel that there is quite a lot of potential for an implementation of the quad rotor.

In our project we have chosen to work with the Standard Development Kit (SDK), which is already present on the AR.Drone. To get this done we needed to combine Paparazzi with the programs JSBSim and FlightGear.


For this project we used a repository, Github. Developers often use a repository for developing their software projects. When using a repository, developers can upload and download the code developed for the project. This allows multiple people to work on the same project at the same time without getting in eachother's way. It is in this case very useful and we will use Github, a populair open source repository site. For beginners, please read the manual to setup Github for Ubuntu:

The Laser Gaming Setup



Combining Paparazzi with FlightGear and JSBSim

Getting information

Getting Started

This project is developed by using Linux, ubuntu. Following these steps are at your own risk. You can only perform these steps if you use ubuntu. Before the developing part will start, the following installations are required:

  • Download the SDK from Ardrone.org
  • Download and install Paparazzi, see the installation guide for help: [1] Do not follow the instructions from 4), we use another cross-compiler for this project.
  • Follow the instructions described in the "Getting the cross-compiler".

The cross-compiler

  1. Download the cross-compiler from [2]
  2. Open the terminal and direct to your home directory.
  3. Type the following commands (without the $):
$ sudo chmod +x codesetup.sh
$ sudo ./codesetup.sh

Wait a few minutes and you're done!

AT Commands

GPS signals


The AR.Drone 2 has a telnet interface that opens a root shell on the AR.Drone 2, which is needed to test and install software. More information can be found at Telnet AR.Drone2.





Using the GPS signals

Manuals and guides