AHRS subsystem
The AHRS subsystem specifies which attitude estimation filter you are using.
Currently possible AHRS subsystems are
- int_cmpl_quat
- int_cmpl_euler
- float_dcm
e.g. for the latest complementary filter:
File: conf/airframes/myplane.xml |
<firmware name="fixedwing or rotorcraft"> ... <subsystem name="ahrs" type="int_cmpl_quat"/> </firmware> |
There is a test program ( sw/airborne/test/ahrs/ ) to compare different AHRS implementations on simple test cases.
Complementary Euler (fixed point)
Not recommended for fixedwings, as this filter doesn't compensate for centrifugal force when flying turns.
File: conf/airframes/myplane.xml |
<firmware name="fixedwing or rotorcraft"> ... <subsystem name="ahrs" type="int_cmpl_euler"/> </firmware> <section name="MISC"> <define name="FACE_REINJ_1" value="1024"/> </section> |
Complementary Quaternion (fixed point)
Currently not recommended for fixedwings, as this filter doesn't compensate for centrifugal force when flying turns. The capability for this is already there (with AHRS_GRAVITY_UPDATE_COORDINATED_TURN), but it isn't fed with the necessary data yet.
Other flags of interest are:
- AHRS_PROPAGATE_LOW_PASS_RATES : apply a low pass filter on rotational velocity
- AHRS_MAG_UPDATE_YAW_ONLY : use mag to update yaw only
For the latest integer complementary quaternion filter (int_cmpl_quat):
File: conf/airframes/myplane.xml |
<firmware name="rotorcraft"> ... <subsystem name="ahrs" type="int_cmpl_quat"/> </firmware> <section name="AHRS" prefix="AHRS_"> <define name="H_X" value=" 0.51562740288882"/> <define name="H_Y" value="-0.05707735220832"/> <define name="H_Z" value=" 0.85490967783446"/> </section> |
To calculate the normalised local magnetic field insert the relevant location coordinates hereand calculate.
Copy the north(x),east(y),vertical(z) component values into scilab and execute "X/norm(X)".