As with all Wiki pages, also this page is a work in progress. try to be a big help to the Paparazzi project and improve this page whenever you can. If you have a distribution different from Ubuntu which doesn't satisfy any other dependency and have instructions about compiling it, packaging it, feel free to add any reference on how to do that on this wikipage.
The goal of this page is to clarify about which version of each piece of software has to be compiled, where to find that software, patches needed to make it compile on Linux 64Bit. This includes compiling all paparazzi-dev, paparazzi-arm7 and paparazzi-bin software on a 64Bit machine, running an Ubuntu Lucid Lynx or later Linux distribution or maybe even OSX. The Text below has it's origins from and the OpenUAS internal Wiki.
Sometimes you see 'QUESTION:' at the beginning of the lines that represent questions still open, patches unsure to be accurate, etc. This way everyone can improve the page a little easier.
Paparazzi-dev packages
For Ubuntu users, you can install the following packages from standard repository:
Ocaml and libraries
Ocaml, short for Objective Caml is the most popular variant of the Caml language. The Paparazzi GCS and some of it's tools are crafted in this language.
- ocaml, ocaml-camlimages-devel, ocaml-lablgtk2-devel, ocaml-xml-light-devel
$ sudo aptitude install ocaml libcamlimages-ocaml lablgtk2-ocaml libxml-light-ocaml
Lightweight and high performance web server, a single-tasking HTTP server.
$ sudo aptitude install boa
Gnome canvas Library
The GnomeCanvas is an engine for structured graphics that offers a rich imaging model, high performance rendering, and a powerful, high level API. This widget can be used for flexible display of graphics and for creating interactive user interface elements.
$ sudo aptitude install libgnomecanvas2-0 libgnomecanvas2-dev
USB Library
The libusb project aims to create a library for use by user level applications to access USB devices regardless of OS.
$ sudo aptitude install libusb-dev
Ocaml PCRE
This OCaml-library interfaces the PCRE (Perl-compatibility regular expressions) C library. it can be used for matching regular expressions which are written in Perl style.
$ sudo aptitude install libpcre-ocaml libpcre-ocaml-dev
Glade Library
Libglade is a library that performs a similar job to the C source output routines in the GLADE user interface builder. Whereas GLADE's output routines create C source code that must be compiled, libglade builds the interface from an XML file (GLADE's save format) at runtime. This can allow modifying the user interface without recompiling.
$ sudo aptitude install libglade2-0 libglade2-dev
GNU Make is an utility which controls the generation of executables and other target files of a program from the program's source files.
$ sudo aptitude install make
Build essential
$ sudo aptitude install build-essential
subversion client
Subversion, also known as svn, is a version control system. Version control systems allow many individuals to collaborate on the paparazzi source code. This is needed to retreive the latest sourcede from various packages and Paparazzi itself
$ sudo aptitude install subversion
A command-line driven interactive plotting program. Unknow if it is used
$ sudo aptitude install gnuplot
ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats. Use ImageMagick to translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves. This pacage is needed for ?
$ sudo aptitude install imagemagick
If you have an older OS distribution it never hurts to install the following...
$ sudo aptitude install libx11-6 libx11-dev texinfo flex bison libncurses5 libncurses5-dbg libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 libncursesw5-dbg libncursesw5-dev zlibc
Building the ARM cross-toolchain
Building an ARM cross-toolchain with binutils gcc newlib and gdb from source, see also (REMOVE: where and how to get the latest working versions.... * arm-gp2x-linux-gcc.x * arm-gp2x-linux-binutils.x )
#!/bin/sh TARGET=arm-none-eabi # Or: TARGET=arm-elf PREFIX=/tmp/your-arm-toolchain # Install location of the final toolchain SPEEDUPCOMPILATION="-j 4" # Or: SPEEDUPCOMPILATION="" BINUTILS=binutils-2.20.1 GCC=gcc-4.4.4 NEWLIB=newlib-1.18.0 GDB=gdb-7.1 export PATH="$PATH:$PREFIX/bin" mkdir build wget -c$BINUTILS.tar.bz2 tar xfvj $BINUTILS.tar.bz2 cd build ../$BINUTILS/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-interwork --enable-multilib --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --disable-nls make $COMPILEFASTER make install cd .. rm -rf build/* $BINUTILS $BINUTILS.tar.bz2 wget -c$GCC/$GCC.tar.bz2 tar xfvj $GCC.tar.bz2 cd build ../$GCC/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-interwork --enable-multilib --enable-languages="c" --with-newlib --without-headers --disable-shared --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld make $SPEEDUPCOMPILATION all-gcc make install-gcc cd .. rm -rf build/* $GCC.tar.bz2 wget -c$NEWLIB.tar.gz tar xfvz $NEWLIB.tar.gz cd build ../$NEWLIB/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-interwork --enable-multilib --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --disable-nls make $SPEEDUPCOMPILATION make install cd .. rm -rf build/* $NEWLIB $NEWLIB.tar.gz # GCC needes to be build again including the real newlib now cd build ../$GCC/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-interwork --enable-multilib --enable-languages="c,c++" --with-newlib --disable-shared --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld make $SPEEDUPCOMPILATION make install cd .. rm -rf build/* $GCC wget -c$GDB.tar.bz2 tar xfvj $GDB.tar.bz2 cd build ../$GDB/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-interwork --enable-multilib make $SPEEDUPCOMPILATION make install cd .. rm -rf build $GDB $GDB.tar.bz2
Newlib is a C library intended for use on embedded systems. It is a conglomeration of several library parts, all under free software licenses that make them easily usable on embedded products.
Start with the rest
To install the rest we make a special directory "develop". You can give it another name ofcourse.
$ mkdir ~/develop
LPC2LISP is an in-circuit programming (ISP) tool for the microcontroller used on the Paparazzi autopilot boards. The lpc21isp project is hosted on sourceforge and one can find the source packages at
Get the SVN version via
$ mkdir ~/develop/lpc2lisp $ cd ~/develop/lpc2lisp $ svn co lpc21
To compile and install go into the source directory and then
$ make clean $ make $ sudo make install
Ivy is a simple protocol and a set of open-source libraries and programs that allows applications to broadcast information through text messages, with a subscription mechanism based on regular expressions. The project can be found at:
About ivy-c, ivy-c-dev, ivy-ocaml and ivy-python packages.
The ivy-python package is architecture independent, so it can be downloaded from the Ubuntu or Debian paparazzi repository. However since this is the from scratch page we will to download it from the official source repository via
$ mkdir ~/develop $ mkdir ~/develop/ivy/ $ cd ~/develop/ivy/ $ svn co
As told above, source packages for this version of ivy-c can be downloaded with the following command (command line):
svn co ivy-c_3.8.1
To compile it you've just enter the src directory and type make, then make install as usual:
cd ivy-c_3.8.1/src make sudo make install
This will compile the sources and install header files, libraries and the ivyprobe program under /usr/local on your system.
Compilation That doesn't work on 64bit systems, if you just run 'make':
/usr/bin/ld: civyloop.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `timer_cb' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
That's solved by just editing the Makefile. Change the line:
.c.o�: $(CC) -Wall -c $(OCAMLINC) $(GLIBINC) $<
.c.o�: $(CC) -Wall -c -fPIC $(OCAMLINC) $(GLIBINC) $<
And done.
The following section (debian packaging) does the same but distributing the change as a dpatch to the sources instead editing the Makefile. This way we don't modify the sources, but just distribute a patch which can be integrated in debian/rules or used by its own (read dpatch manual page, man dpatch).
NOTE: This solution is to avoid modifying the original sources. A proper patch for the original sources would be one that checks if the system is a 64bit system, and if so set FPIC env variable, the following code at the begining of the Makefile would be ok (taken from ivy-c Makefile):
PERHAPS64�:= $(shell uname -m | perl -ne "print /64/�? '64'�: ;") ifeq ($(PERHAPS64), "64") FPIC= else FPIC=-fPIC endif
And then let the rule to compile all .c and .o files be like the following:
.c.o�: $(CC) -Wall -c $(FPIC) $(OCAMLINC) $(GLIBINC) $<
Paparazzi-arm7 packages
IMPORTANT The configure script for gcc must be run with sudo (or as root), because it copies some of the newlib headers to /usr/local!!!!
!!!!! Debian packages
I've debianized the sources running dh_make (single binary package, after dh_make i removed unecessary files from the debian directory). Then i simply ran:
dpkg-buildpackage -r fakeroot -uc -us
You can get the debianized source package, as well as the deb packages from
!!! Paparazzi-bin package
The source code compiled below was obtained from the svn trunk:
svn co svn:// paparazzi3
The revision obtained was r4909.
NOTE: The deb package generated has some problems (see below). The compilated non-packaged version works well. You must note too that some software in the deb package were compiled with the untested arm7 toolchain in the previous section, so it must not be used until that is properly tested.
If you enter the sources directory and simply run make you will get the following error in an amd64 system:
cd sw/ground_segment/multimon; make PAPARAZZI_SRC=/home/roi/Codigo/paparazzi-dev/lenny_versions/paparazzi/temp PAPARAZZI_HOME=/home/roi/Codigo/paparazzi-dev/lenny_versions/paparazzi/temp CC hdlc.c hdlc.c:1: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set
This is because the code in sw/ground_segment/multimon/filter-i386.h which contains optimizations for some functions gets included and it doesn't work on amd64. filter.h says that filter-i386.h gets included if:
#ifdef ARCH_I386 #include "filter-i386.h" #endif /* ARCH_I386 */
If we take a look to the Makefile (sw/ground_segment/multimon/Makefile):
CFLAGS =-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -I/usr/X11R6/include -I `ocamlc -where` ifeq ($(DEBUG),y) CFLAGS +=-g -O -march=i486 -falign-loops=2 -falign-jumps=2 \ -falign-functions=2 -DARCH_I386 else CFLAGS +=-O3 -march=i486 -falign-loops=2 -falign-jumps=2 \ -falign-functions=2 -DARCH_I386 endif
We'll have to change it to not define ARCH_I386, not optimize for i486 and add -fPIC. So we need to leave the above lines like:
CFLAGS =-Wall -fPIC -Wstrict-prototypes -I/usr/X11R6/include -I `ocamlc -where` ifeq ($(DEBUG),y) CFLAGS +=-g -O -falign-loops=2 -falign-jumps=2 \ -falign-functions=2 else CFLAGS +=-O3 -falign-loops=2 -falign-jumps=2 \ -falign-functions=2 endif
Note that leaving the sources like this won't apply the optimizations if now you take the modified source and compile it in a 32bit system... Once my paparazzi-bin deb package (see below) works well i'll provide better patches for all the modifications explained here.
Now it compiles ok. I run ./paparazzi and test it with a simulation and everything seems fine.
!!!! Debian packages
The package generated here don't fully work (read at the end to see what fails), so don't use it but for testing purposes. The compiled sources compiled like above works well.
First of all, don't simply run dpkg-buildpackage, there's a Makefile rule instead! Just run:
make deb
With the revision i downloaded i get the following error:
install -o root -m 644 var/maps/trtqtttqtsrrtstq*.jpg var/maps/trtqtttqtsrrttsr*.jpg /home/roi/Codigo/paparazzi-dev/lenny_versions/paparazzi/temp/debian/paparazzi-bin/usr/share/paparazzi/data/maps install: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre �var/maps/trtqtttqtsrrtstq*.jpg�: No existe el fichero � directorio install: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre �var/maps/trtqtttqtsrrttsr*.jpg�: No existe el fichero � directorio make[3]: *** [install_data] Error 1
It seems that there's a map trying to be installed that cannot be found in the sources. Just remove that jpg from the Makefile.install file, that's remove line 22 of Makefile.install:
$(INSTALLDATA) var/maps/trtqtttqtsrrtstq*.jpg var/maps/trtqtttqtsrrttsr*.jpg $(DESTDIR)/data/maps
QUESTION: Where am i supposed to get that map file from? Or does that line from Makefile.install need to be removed from the repository?
If now we run make deb again, the error is now:
dpkg-gencontrol: error: current host architecture 'amd64' does not appear in package's architecture list (i386)
That's because debian/control says it's a i386 only package. We've got to edit the control file, in my case i did:
cd debian cp control.lenny control.karmic cp changelog.lenny changelog.karmic
Then i edited debian/control.karmic and changed the line saying Architecture: i386 by Architecture: any. Now i run:
make DISTRO="karmic" deb
(See deb rule in the makefile to see how the DISTRO env variable is used).
Now it compiles properly. I'm going up one level and install that paparazzi-bin deb package but it fails:
cd .. sudo dpkg --install paparazzi-bin_3.10-2_amd64.deb
Configurando paparazzi-bin (3.2-10) ... File "_none_", line 1, characters 0-1: Error: Error while linking kml.cmo: Reference to undefined global `Server_globals'
So the postinst script is failing. It's located in debian/paparazzi-bin.postinst. Taking a look at that file one can see that all it does is to enter some directories and compile ocaml binaries. Even more, if one takes a look at those directories one can see that that binaries were compiled in the build process so:
QUESTION: Why aren't those binaries just being installed as usual? Is there any reason or simply there were problems trying to make them installed in the deb package?
I fixed it comparing the source dirs Makefiles with the compilation commands in the postinst file. I one compares between them for each directory in the postinst, it can be seen that there are some missing cma and/or cmo files in some ocamlc commands. Putting down here every modification i made to the debian/paparazzi-bin.postinst file would become very large, so you can simply download my modified sources [| here] and diff it against the original sources.
Now it compiles, so i go up one directory, install it again and test:
cd .. sudo dpkg --purge paparazzi-bin sudo dpkg --install paparazzi-bin_3.10-2_amd64.deb
And everything goes ok. If i now run paparazzi from the command line it starts properly but says:
mv: cannot stat `/home/roi/paparazzi/data/maps/trtqtttqtsrrt*.jpg': No such file or directory
You can edit the in the sources, eliminate the reference to that map file and reinstall and that disappears. Same QUESTION as above regarding to that map file: Where can i find that?
There's a problem that still persists. If i now run paparazzi (with my $HOME/paparazzi dir empty!) it fails to run a simulation, the error is the following:
BUILD /home/roi/paparazzi/var/MJ5/airframe.h ##################################################
################################################## make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/home/roi/paparazzi/conf/modules/*.xml', needed by `/home/roi/paparazzi/var/MJ5/modules.h'. Stop. make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/share/paparazzi' make: *** [ac_h] Error 2 make: Leaving directory `/usr/share/paparazzi'
Inspecting my /home/roi/paparazzi directory and comparing to /usr/share/paparazzi i can see that not all files where copied when paparazzi was first run. The curious thing is that if i run ./paparazzi from the sources dir instead executing the installed one (/usr/bin) everything works ok (PAPARAZZI_SRC is taken as PAPARAZZI_HOME this way)...
QUESTION: Any ideas on why? I'm sure i can solve it by myself, but if anybody knows...
OK Set the UDev rules.d
Get the Paparazzi source
To get the Paparazzi source via svn
If you get the
File "pprz.mli", line 149, characters 78-89: Error: Unbound type constructor Ivy.binding
is since course, since IVY is not yet installed...
- Get ivy-c and ivy-c-dev on your system
Via svn co (At the moment, still could not compile, under investigation...)
Get ivy-ocam on your system
Get ivy-ocam on your system via:
$ svn co
I've read somwhere, but to not agree with the comment, since it just means the makefile must be improved, anyhow just as a reminder "Is this so:ivy-ocaml (WARNING: debian and fedora have different path for ocaml (/usr/lib/ocaml/<version> vs.
/usr/lib/ocaml), so you need to move by hand the files in /usr/lib/ocaml/<version> to /usr/lib/ocaml)"
NOTE: Don't try to get ivy-ocaml too from the main ivy svn repository at Rumour has it that main developer Pascal Brisset told to use file in the paparazzi repository instead. SVN repository for ivy-ocaml seems unused, which seem strange since Pascal Brisset is also the maintaner of the SVN version.
So we'll compile ivy-c_3.8.1 coming from the main ivy-c svn repository,
and ivy-ocaml_1.1-7.tar.gz in the paparazzi repository (link above).
QUESTION: Where do i find sources (tar.gz) for ivy-ocaml_1.1 revisions 8 and 9?? QUESTION: Wouldn't it be better to change ivy-ocaml_1.1-7 control file to depend strictly on ivy-c 3.8 version?
Depriciated -mapcs-32 option
The option "-mapcs-32" is only available with very old tool chain versions e.g. GCC-3.3.x. More recent tool chains will either require "-mabi=apcs-gnu" (non-EABI-compliant) or "-mabi=aapcs-linux" (EABI-compliant). To have an overview of all flags go here
By changing -mapcs-32 with -Wa,-mapcs-32 compilation will work with more recent compilers and we have backward compatibility with the old flag for older compilers. The option -Wa,-mapcs-32 is doing the following: -Wa,option : Pass option as an option to the assembler. If option contains commas, it is split into multiple options at the commas.
The -mapcs-32 option generates code for a processor running with a 32-bit program counter and conforming to the function calling standards for the APCS 32-bit option. If interested in depth what APCS is read the following:
The gcc flag -mapcs-32 was deprecated since gcc-3.4.0 and finally removed in gcc-4.0.0 which unconditionally generates 32bit ARM code. You should not need to pass this flag to the assembler either but it might not hurt for backwards compatibility with older compilers, so it's best to leave it in with the -Wa, option metho
Useful links
Temporary Texts
Debian packages
The source we downloaded above is debianized. For 32bit systems you just need to:
cd ivy-c_3.8.1 dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us
And done. You'll get your .deb packages in the directory containing ivy-c_3.8.1 (up one level).
For 64bit systems there's a problem: The Makefile at src/Makefile sets the relative path for the target libraries in the variable LIB. This is set to 'lib' or 'lib64', this last for 64bit systems. However, if you take a look at those debian/ivy-c.dirs and debian/ivy-c.install files there's no files being installed for usr/lib64 or usr/X11R6/lib64 (just usr/lib and usr/X11R6/lib libraries are installed in the debian package).
We'll modify debian/rules to override the LIB environment variable when calling make to equal 'lib' always (even if your system is a 64bit one, /usr/lib64 will be just a symbolic link to /usr/lib). Just change the line (debian/rules, remember):
cd src && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp PREFIX=/usr
cd src && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp PREFIX=/usr LIB=/lib
And done, now you can run dpkg-buildpackage as usual.
You can find the sources for 3.8 already properly debianized for 64bit systems by me at There you can find the .deb packages for ivy-c and ivy-dev (amd64) too. I've changed the debian/changelog file too...
Debian packages
As told above, all we are going to do here is to distribute that change in the Makefile as a dpatch, and integrate the dpatch system into debian/rules. I'll not explain in depth how dpatch works, you can read for an introduction and then read the dpatch manual page (man dpatch).
Open debian/rules for editing and add, at the first line of the file (after the comments at the beginning), the following:
# Include dpatch stuff. include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make
That will include default dpatch rules for Makefiles, like 'patch', 'unpatch' and so.
Then edit the 'build' and 'clean' rules in debian/rules to depend on 'patch' and 'unpatch'. That means, replace the line:
build: build-stamp
build: patch build-stamp
And the line:
clean: unpatch
And done. This will make dpkg-buildpackage to apply the patches listed in debian/patches/00list before building, and deapply it on cleaning.
Now we've got to add our patch to debian/patches and list it in debian/patches/00list.amd64 (which lists patches being applied only for amd64 targets). For this run from the command line (you must be in the ivy-ocaml sources root dir!):
dpatch-edit-patch 01_ccfpic.dpatch
That will put you on a shell where you can edit all files you need. Just edit the Makefile as told above in Compiling and then type exit in that shell. After exiting a dpatch file will appear under debian/patches directory, named 01_ccfpic.dpatch.
Finally we've got to list that patch in a file called debian/patches/00list.amd64. Open that file for editing and add one single line saying:
And now you can run dpkg-buildpackage to generate your deb packages.