Airborne Functional Diagram
Design Goals
-Static approach -Modularity -Hardware absraction -Runtime efficiency
Static Approach
-only "things that needs to be changed during flight are changeable -maximise compilation time resolutions
advantages Error checking Efficiency Safety/Robustness
-Separation of concerns -Maintenability -Interface -C provide no dedicated mechanism for modularity -Main issues with modularity are configuration and dependancies
Hardware abstraction
-Segregate hardware dependant modules
Runtime Efficiency
It's very unlikely that we will change the serial port on which we connected our modem inflight.
bad : switch(UART) { case UART0 : UARTO_write(...); break; case UART1 : UART1_write(...); break; }
good : #define UartWrite(x) UART ## _write(x) UartWrite(...);
Design Solutions
* Heavy pre-processor usage * C code generation * Heavy Makefile usage * Conventions to define our own module layer
header selection
<makefile> ap.CFLAGS += -DACTUATORS=\"servos_4017_hw.h\" </makefile>
generated var/FJ1/
ap.CFLAGS += -DACTUATORS=\"servos_4017_hw.h\"
#include ACTUATORS
expanded by pre-processor to
#include "servos_4017_hw.h"
#define __XBeeLink(dev, _x) dev##_x #define _XBeeLink(dev, _x) __XBeeLink(dev, _x) #define XBeeLink(_x) _XBeeLink(XBEE_UART, _x) #define XBeeBuffer() XBeeLink(ChAvailable())
expanded by pre-processor to
C code generation
For problems too complex to solve with the pre processor, we use custom compilers to generate code from a description in xml
example 1 : command laws, aka mixers
<command_laws> <let var="aileron" value="@ROLL * AILEVON_AILERON_RATE"/> <let var="elevator" value="@PITCH * AILEVON_ELEVATOR_RATE"/> <set servo="AILEVON_LEFT" value="$elevator + $aileron"/> <set servo="AILEVON_RIGHT" value="$elevator - $aileron"/> </command_laws>
generated var/FJ1/airframe.h
#define SetActuatorsFromCommands(values) { \ uint16_t servo_value;\ float command_value;\ int16_t _var_aileron = values[COMMAND_ROLL] * AILEVON_AILERON_RATE;\ int16_t _var_elevator = values[COMMAND_PITCH] * AILEVON_ELEVATOR_RATE;\ [....] command_value = _var_elevator + _var_aileron;\ command_value *= command_value>0 ? SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT_TRAVEL_UP : SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT_TRAVEL_DOWN;\ servo_value = SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT_NEUTRAL + (int16_t)(command_value);\ actuators[SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT] = ChopServo(servo_value, SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT_MIN, SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT_MAX);\ Actuator(SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT) = SERVOS_TICS_OF_USEC(actuators[SERVO_AILEVON_LEFT]);\
example 2 : flight plan
conf/flight plans/example.xml
<block name="For loop (circles wp 1)"> <for from="0" to="3" var="i"> <circle radius="DEFAULT_CIRCLE_RADIUS+ $i*10" wp="1" until="NavCircleCount() > 1"/> </for> <deroute block="Standby"/> </block>
generated var/flight plan.h
Block(29) // For loop (circles wp 1) switch(nav_stage) { static int8_t _var_i; static int8_t _var_i_to; Stage(0) _var_i = 0 - 1; _var_i_to = 3; Label(for_11) Stage(1) if (++_var_i > _var_i_to) Goto(endfor_12) else NextStageAndBreak(); Stage(2) NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode(RadOfDeg(0.000000)); NavVerticalAltitudeMode(WaypointAlt(3), 0.); NavCircleWaypoint(3, (DEFAULT_CIRCLE_RADIUS+(_var_i*10))); if ((NavCircleCount()>1)) NextStageAndBreak(); break; Stage(3) Goto(for_11) Label(endfor_12) Stage(5) NextBlock(); break; }
Connecting and configuring modules
ap.CFLAGS += -DDOWNLINK -DDOWNLINK_TRANSPORT=XBeeTransport -DXBEE_UART=Uart1 ap.srcs += downlink.c xbee.c ap.CFLAGS += -DUSE_UART1 -DUART1_BAUD=B9600 ap.srcs += \$(SRC_ARCH)/uart_hw.c
Modules configuration
3 sources of configuration:
* airframe configuration file ( airframe.xml ) which "compiled" to C files and Makefile * specific per module configuration file ( eg radio.xml, flightplan.xml) compiled to C code to allow factorization between airframes. * specific per board configuration file ( eg tiny.h ) to describe modules configuration imposed by board routing