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to be added in cv.cpp

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define IMUPIPE "/tmp/fromimu"
float msgpipe_g[3];
int imufd;
Point pcenter(320,240);
float torad = CV_PI / 180.0;

static void * drawAxes_threadImuProg(void *arg) {
  float msgpipe_l[3];
  int msgsize = sizeof(msgpipe_g);
  while(true) {
    if (msgsize==read(imufd,&msgpipe_l,msgsize)) {
      memcpy(&msgpipe_g, &msgpipe_l, msgsize); 

static void drawAxes_init()
  mkfifo(IMUPIPE, 0666); 
  imufd = open(IMUPIPE, O_RDWR);

  pthread_t threadImu;
  pthread_create(&threadImu, NULL, &drawAxes_threadImuProg, NULL);

struct quaternion_t
  float w, x, y, z;

static void drawAxes(Mat3b *img) 
  float msgpipe_l[3];
  memcpy(&msgpipe_l, &msgpipe_g, sizeof(msgpipe_g)); 

  float roll  =  torad*msgpipe_l[0];   // roll_phy(x)
  float pitch = -torad*msgpipe_l[1]; // pitch_theta(y)
  float yaw   = -torad*msgpipe_l[2];   // yaw_psi(z)

  float cy = cos(roll * 0.5);
  float sy = sin(roll * 0.5);
  float cp = cos(yaw * 0.5);
  float sp = sin(yaw * 0.5);
  float cr = cos(pitch * 0.5);
  float sr = sin(pitch * 0.5);

  quaternion_t q;          // quaternion from euler
  q.w = cr * cp * cy + sr * sp * sy;
  q.x = sr * cp * cy - cr * sp * sy;
  q.y = cr * sp * cy + sr * cp * sy;
  q.z = cr * cp * sy - sr * sp * cy;

  array<Point3i,4> pts = {Point3i{0,0,0},Point3i{100,0,0},Point3i{0,100,0},Point3i{0,0,100}};
  array<Point3f,4> out;
  for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {  // rotation matrix from quaternion

  Point loc=pcenter;
  array<Point,4> imgPts;   // 3D to 2D projection
  for (int i=0;i<4;i++)

  line(*img, imgPts[0], imgPts[3], Scalar(0,0,255), 3); // red
  line(*img, imgPts[0], imgPts[1], Scalar(0,255,0), 3); // green
  line(*img, imgPts[0], imgPts[2], Scalar(255,0,0), 3); // blue
  circle(*img, pcenter, 5, Scalar(0,0,0), -1);

to be modified in muxer.c

#define IMUPIPE "/tmp/fromimu"
float msgpipe_g[3];
int imufd;
      mkfifo(IMUPIPE, 0666); 
     imufd = open(IMUPIPE, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
            if (msgid == PPRZ_MSG_ID_ROTORCRAFT_FP) {
      	      memcpy(&(rfp_g.stamp),&tv,sizeof(struct timeval));
              rfp_g.phi  =ALT_UNIT_COEF_ATT*pprzlink_get_ROTORCRAFT_FP_phi(buf);
              rfp_g.psi  =ALT_UNIT_COEF_ATT*pprzlink_get_ROTORCRAFT_FP_psi(buf);
  	       acid = buf[0];
              printf("%.4f %d ROTORCRAFT_FP %f %f %f\n",elapsed,acid,rfp_g.phi,rfp_g.theta,rfp_g.psi);  

              msgpipe_g[0]=rfp_g.phi; msgpipe_g[1]=rfp_g.theta; msgpipe_g[2] = rfp_g.psi;
              write(imufd, &msgpipe_g, sizeof(msgpipe_g));

to be modified in airpi.sh

socat -u /dev/ttyAMA0,raw,echo=0,b115200 - | tee >(socat - udp-sendto: >(socat - udp-sendto: > /dev/null 2>&1 &
socat -u udp-listen:4243,reuseaddr,fork /dev/ttyAMA0,raw,echo=0,b115200 &
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/pi/muxer/lib
/home/pi/muxer/exe/muxer 4244 4245 > /dev/null 2>&1 &