
From PaparazziUAV
Revision as of 00:03, 7 July 2020 by Xp31 (talk | contribs)
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The Explorer is a rotorcraft.
It is used to test :

  • control loops such as PID and INDI
  • simultaneous datalinks such as Xbee and Wifibroadcast
  • vision algorithm

The Explorer frame is 3Dprinted

The aircraft flies an Apogee or a Tawaki autopilot board.

The RaspberryPi provides: - a camera link - an additional communication link - an easy way to run computation tasks.

There are two RaspberryPi :
- on board, as a companion board to the autopilot
- on ground, as an interface to the companion board

The RPI Zero and RPI 3B can be used in this aircraft as they provided at least one UART and one USB

The equipments connected to the autopilot board are :

The equipments connected to the companion board are :

  • Camera
  • External wifi