
From PaparazziUAV
Revision as of 12:34, 12 January 2011 by Flixr (talk | contribs)
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The idea is to create a general state interface that holds the most important vehicle states like attitude, position, speed, acceleration.


/* Earth Centered Earth Fixed in centimeters */
extern struct EcefCoor_i ecef_pos;

/* lon, lat in radians*1e7  */
/* alt in centimeters       */
extern struct LlaCoor_i lla_pos;

/* definition of the local (flat earth) coordinate system */
extern struct LtpDef_i ltp_def;
extern bool_t ltp_initialised;

/* North East Down local tangent plane */
extern struct NedCoor_i ltp_pos;
extern struct NedCoor_i ltp_speed;
extern struct NedCoor_i ltp_accel;

/* East North Up local tangent plane */
extern struct EnuCoor_i enu_pos;
extern struct EnuCoor_i enu_speed;
extern struct EnuCoor_i enu_accel;

/* vehicle attitude */
extern struct Int32Quat   body_quat;
extern struct Int32Eulers body_euler;
extern struct Int32RMat   body_rmat;
extern struct Int32Rates  body_rate;

/* wind and airspeed*/
extern struct Int32Vect3 airspeed;
extern struct Int32Vect3 windspeed;