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Create new release

First of course the CHANGELOG should be updated.

Stable release series have an even MINOR number, ongoing development has an uneven MINOR number.

A stable release is generally done with the following steps:

  1. creating an annotated tag with vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH_stable in git. If it is the first release of a MAJOR.MINOR series, also create the vMAJOR.MINOR branch.
  2. Add the release on
  3. As the tarballs that github automatically creates don't include the submodules, run
    mv paparazzi.tar paparazzi_vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH_stable.tar
    gzip paparazzi_vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH_stable.tar

    and upload this tarball to the github release

  4. Update Paparazzi front page and installation page
  5. Update docs if a new stable branch: adjust index.html and add the branch to the script on