Outdoor RTK
The RTK system consists on an onboard and onground equipment: the ublox NEO-M8P.
This chip is provided by Drotek in two boards : Tiny M8P and XL M8P.
Each board can play the rover station or the stationary station.
The boards can also be mixed.
However, the XL M8P is equipped with a LIS3MDL magnetometer which provides an external magnetic sensor to improve onboard heading.
Board equipment
- RTK M8P + external Mag
<module name="gps" type="ublox"> <configure name="GPS_PORT" value="UART4"/> <configure name="GPS_BAUD" value="B115200"/> <define name="USE_GPS_UBX_RTCM" value="TRUE"/> </module> |
<module name="mag_lis3mdl.xml"> <define name="MODULE_LIS3MDL_UPDATE_AHRS"/> <configure name="MAG_LIS3MDL_I2C_DEV" value="i2c1"/> </module> |
<module name="gps" type="ublox"> <configure name="GPS_PORT" value="UART7"/> <configure name="GPS_BAUD" value="B115200"/> <define name="USE_GPS_UBX_RTCM" value="TRUE"/> </module> |
<module name="mag_lis3mdl.xml"> <define name="MODULE_LIS3MDL_UPDATE_AHRS"/> <configure name="MAG_LIS3MDL_I2C_DEV" value="i2c1"/> </module> |
Ground equipment
- RTK M8P with Xbee transceiver