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SWD is a program und debug protocoll for ARM processors.

Every STM discovery board comes with a ST-LinkV2 on board (except STM32VL comes with ST-LinkV1).

Every dicovery board from STM comes wih a ST-LinkV2, except STM32VL (ST-LinkV1).

SWD Header

Pin\Function CN2 Use
●1 VDD_Target Voltage supply for target
2 SWDCLK SWD clock
3 GND Ground
4 SWDIO SWD data input/output
5 NRST reset for target
6 SWO reserved

Pin 1 is marked with a white dot.

Install Software

st-flash and st-util are needed Tools from texane

download and compile

git clone git:// stlink
cd stlink

copy the two tools into bin directory

sudo cp st-flash /usr/bin
sudo cp st-util /usr/bin

add udev rules (replace user with your username)

sudo cp /home/user/stlink/49-stlinkv*.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

ST-LinkV1 requires a bit different treatment, read the Readme.txt

Airframe.xml setup

Connect the ST-Link to the MCU. If a complete STM32F-Discovery board is used, CN3 jumpers need to be set. To program a external MCU, remove CN3 jumpers and connect the external MCU with the SWD header.

To use SWD
To use stlink (requires line above)

Update the ST-Link to blackmagic probe

The STM32F103 (STLink MCU) can be flashed with the blackmagic's firware.
This is irveversable !

How to upload the blackmagic probe firmware to the STLink of a discovery board