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The GCS is able to provide the messages of the console via the speakers by starting with the option -speech. Therefore a few more packages have to be installed and configured. The following Instruction is made for Ubuntu 8.04 but should work also on other OS.

1. Packages Installation

Install festival, speech-dispatcher and speech-dispatcher-festival packages, if not already installed.

2. Configuration

edit festival.conf in /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/ and change or uncomment the following lines:

  # Address where the Festival server runs (you have to 
# have a Festival server running, please see documentation).

FestivalServerHost "localhost"
FestivalServerPort 1314

FestivalAudioOutputMethod "alsa"

You might first have to get change permission to do that:

sudo chmod a+rwx /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/festival.conf

Then edit speechd.conf in /etc/speech-dispatcher/

  Port 6560

#AddModule "espeak" "sd_espeak" "espeak.conf"
AddModule "festival" "sd_festival" "festival.conf"
#AddModule "flite" "sd_flite" "flite.conf"
#AddModule "espeak-generic" "sd_generic" "espeak-generic.conf"
#AddModule "epos-generic" "sd_generic" "epos-generic.conf"
#AddModule "dtk-generic" "sd_generic" "dtk-generic.conf"
#AddModule "ibmtts" "sd_ibmtts" "ibmtts.conf"
#AddModule "cicero" "sd_cicero" "cicero.conf"

DefaultModule festival

#LanguageDefaultModule "en" "espeak"
LanguageDefaultModule "en" "festival"
#LanguageDefaultModule "cs" "festival"
#LanguageDefaultModule "es" "festival"

Again, you might first have to get change permission to do that:

sudo chmod a+rwx /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf

3. Starting the applications/servers

Type in the command window:

festival --server 
sudo /etc/init.d/speech-dispatcher restart

Start the GCS with the -speech option and there you go! (Hopefully)