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Ipodrom is the acronym for Interface pour contrôler un drone sur un mobile. It is the French for UAV control interface on a mobile phone.

This system has been designed and developped by 3 ENAC students. It is based on Paparazzi, and enables the control of a UAV running Paparazzi on a mobile phone connected via Bluetooth to the ground station.


Apercu Ipodrom.png

The system entirely is based on Java technology. It is divided in 2 programs : one running one the ground station, and the other on the mobile.

On the ground station

The goal of this program is to relay the messages from the airplane (via the server on the ivy bus) to the mobile, and the commands from the phone on ground station's ivy bus.

On the mobile

There is a program developped with Java ME (MicroEdition). It connects to the Bluetooth relay of the ground station, and displays the main informations about the plane and the flight. It is also possible to send commands, such as climb, jump to Standby block, land, and move the waypoints.

How to use Ipodrom ?

The installation described here is for debian-like systems (typically Ubuntu). Thank you for sharing your experience on others systems!


You need to have Paparazzi installed. That won’t be detailed here, I think you can find the instructions by yourself on this site.

The source code is in Java, so you need both Java SE (Standard Edition) for your PC, and Java ME (MicroEdition) for the mobile program.

JavaSE can be found here : [1]

Note: the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) isn’t enough, you have to install the JDK in order to compile java applications. JavaME downloads can be found here : [2]

Download and install the Sun Wireless Toolkit (WTK), which enables to manage JavaME projects, compiling and packaging them. The version we used is Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2 for CLDC.

You need a Bluetooth peripheral on your computer (and on your mobile device). There are some standard debian packages you have to have installed:

  • libxpm-dev
  • libxt-dev
  • libx11-dev
  • libice-dev
  • libsm-dev
  • libc6-dev
  • libc6-dev
  • libc6-dev
  • libstdc++6-dev

There are specific Bluetooth packagesyou have to install:

  • need confirmation, coming soon

The source code

It is available on a subversion server.

  • The source for the mobile application (on the phone) is here : [3]
  • The source for the ground application (relay on the ground station) is here : [4]


coming soon